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Federal and Local Government 

Sarah Steele, LLC is registered with the Small Business Administration as an Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB). She has worked with Government departments in both the USA and the UK. 


She proudly holds dual nationality with both the USA and the UK. 


Within the Government sector, Sarah has facilitated multi-day conferences and panel discussions, designed and delivered training both in-house and recorded on-line courses as well as delving deep into strategic change on multi-year projects.



541611     Administrative and General Management Consulting Services


541612     Human Resources Consulting Services


541618     Other Management Consulting Services


561990     All Other Support Services


611430     Professional and Management Development Training


611710     Educational Support Services


711510     Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers

DUNS #:   080154121




Association of Public Health Laboratories


Department of Veterans Affairs


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